The project is led by prof. Ylva Engström, previous vice dean and responsible for the mentorship program for assistant professors.

Photo: Jens Olof Lasthein


The reading/discussions will be based on the book ”Att vara kvinna över sitt liv: 10 budord för dig som vill framåt” by Barbro Dahlbom-Hall, a nestor in female leadership.
Unfortunately, the book is only available in Swedish. You are very welcome to participate even if your Swedish is not yet fluent, as long as it is good enough for you to understand the text in the book. The discussions can be a mix of Swedish and English.
All participants meet once first when we discuss the aims and plans for the “project”. If we are more than 5 participants we will divide into smaller groups with 3-4 people per group. The small groups then meet discuss each chapter, mixed with two larger meetings. Each participant buys the book themselves, ca 200 kr in print, or as an e-book.


  • 1st meeting: (Oct, during week 42-43, Oct 17-28). We start up and plan the organization of discussion groups. Good if you have got the book at this meeting. Zoom participation is also possible at this first meeting.
  • Nov-Dec: Read and discuss chpt 1-4 in the small groups. Day, time and place is decided by the group members.v2nd meeting, January. Day/time will be decided at the meeting in Oct.
  • Feb-Apr: Read and discuss chpt 5-10 in the small groups. Day, time and place is decided by the group members.
  • 3rd meeting, May. Summing up. Day/time will be decided at the meeting in Jan.

Contact and registration

Register to Ylva Engström latest October 14., Phone: 08-164166