Subject description
Biochemistry is the study of chemical reactions and processes in a living cell, as well as of its components. The subject also comprises all the regulatory mechanisms that govern survival of the cell. Studies of the composition and function of membranes that surround the cell and separates it from its surroundings is also of great importance today. Bioinformatics is the study of theoretical descriptions of processes in a cell or organism as well as of its components. The subject also comprises all the regulatory mechanisms that govern survival of the cell. Theoretical studies of structures and processes based on the information in sequenced genomes play a significant role.
Subject representative
Head of subject: Arne Elofsson
Director of Studies: Pia Ädelroth
PhD studies at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Allmän studieplan för utbildning på forskarnivå i biokemi och biokemi med inriktn. mot bioinformatik (247 Kb)
General syllabus for doctoral studies in Biochemistry and Biochemistry towards bioinformatics (PDF) (161 Kb)
PhD studies
The programme leads to a licentiate or doctoral degree.
All PhD positions at Stockholm University are announced here.