Subject description

The subject Molecular Biosciences at Stockholm University includes studies and research in three transdisciplinary profile areas: 1) molecular cell biology, 2) infection and immunobiology, and 3) integrative biology. The subject covers studies of viruses, bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes, with emphasis on a molecular description of the mechanisms that control the organization and dynamics of life processes at the cellular level, as well as cellular development and interactions of cells with their environment in a multicellular context.

Subject representative

Head of subject: Kristina Jonas,
Director of Studies: Kristina Jonas,

PhD studies at the Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute 


General syllabus for doctoral studies in Molecular biosciences, PDF (Swedish)
General syllabus for doctoral studies in Molecular biosciences (English)

PhD studies

The programme leads to a licentiate or doctoral degree.
All PhD positions at Stockholm University are announced here.