Expert on teaching
External experts
The Promotion Board meeting
Expert on teaching
Teaching expertise is assessed internally at the University. At least a year and a half before the appointment expires the Head of the Promotion Board, at the head of department’s initiative and in consultation with the Section Dean, will appoint an expert on teaching. This expert should be an experienced Associate Professor with expertise in the field, but who is unaffiliated with the applicant’s department. The expert will assess the Assistant Professor’s teaching expertise by observing his or her teaching for some time. This includes attending selected teaching sessions and speaking to students, Ph.D. students and the directors of undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate studies. The expert will submit a report on the applicant’s teaching expertise approximately six months before the appointment as Assistant Professor expires. The expert on teaching has the right to speak at the Promotion Board meeting. The report should also be based on the content of the application.
An application for promotion should be submitted to the Board of Science at least nine months before the appointment as Assistant Professor expires. The application for promotion should follow the template written by Stockholm University and the supplementary instructions for the Faculty of Science adopted by the Board of Science. The application for promotion must include a presentation of all grants that the applicant has applied for during the employment as Assistant Professor, including information about whether or not funding was received. Any assessment reports from, for example, the Swedish Research Council, should be submitted together with the application. Supplements may be added to the application after it has been submitted.
External experts
The Section Dean shall in consultation with the head of department suggest ten (or more) external experts no later than the date the application for promotion is submitted. The experts should be international authorities in the field, and both sexes should be represented. Suggestions can also be made by the Promotion Board.
A letter with instructions is sent to the external experts with the Dean as the sender. The template for letter of instructions to external experts can be found at the end of this document. The experts will only assess the applicant’s research expertise, and each expert will submit a report to the Board of Science approximately six months before the appointment as Assistant Professor expires. The assessment should result in the applicant receiving one of the following grades:
- Outstanding. Exceptionally strong scientist with negligible weaknesses.
- Excellent. Very strong scientist with negligible weaknesses.
- Very good to excellent. Very strong scientist with minor weaknesses.
- Very good. Strong scientist with minor weaknesses.
- Good. Some strengths, but also moderate weaknesses.
- Weak. A few strengths, but also at least one major weakness or several minor weaknesses.
- Poor. Very few strengths and numerous major weaknesses.
The external experts are asked to place the applicant in relation to other researchers who are at an approximately similar career stage as the applicant and especially in relation to those that have been promoted at their university.
The Promotion Board may complement the experts’ reports by speaking to the experts or obtaining other references.
The Promotion Board meeting
The Promotion Board will convene approximately four months before the appointment as Assistant Professor expires. At the meeting the applicant is given the opportunity to present his or her scientific activity, thereafter the Promotion Board will interview the applicant. The presentation and interview focus on how the applicant has managed his or her resources and opportunities during the time as Assistant Professor and plans for future.
Based on the criteria for promotion decided by the Board of Science the Promotion Board will assess whether to accept or reject the application for promotion.
The Board of Science will decide on the promotion at least three months before the appointment as Assistant Professor expires.
When an application for promotion has been accepted, the applicant is normally employed as Associate Professor from the time when the appointment as Assistant Professor has expired.
Template for the letter of instructions to external experts, see the attached PDF.