In both cases the application must be submitted at the latest nine months before the assistant professorship ends. The promotion board focus its assessment on the candidate’s development and achievements during the time of the assistant professorship regardless of how long or short this period has been. Achievements prior to the employment as assistant professor do not have the same weight.
If the Board of Science makes the decision not to promote, the employment ends when the appointment as assistant professor ends and according to the Higher Education Ordinance (chapter 4, section 12 b) another temporary employment at Stockholm University cannot be started during six months following the end of the employment as assistant professor.
If the assistant professor still makes the choice to apply for promotion in advance and if the Board of Science makes the decision to promote, the employment as associate professor should normally begin within three months after the decision to promote has been made. This also means that room for research within the employment will be reduced substantially*.
Due to the abovementioned the Faculty of Science recommends the assistant professors not to apply for promotion to associate professor in advance. Having said that, it is up to the assistant professor to decide if and when, after the pedagogical assessment, to submit the application for promotion. Note that an early application for promotion will be handled in the same way and assessed according to the same criteria** as other promotion applications including those where the candidates used the maximal time as assistant professor.
*See General Agreement on salaries and benefits (Swedish Villkorsavtal) and You and your Workplace
Universitetslektor (associate professor):
The part of employment devoted to teaching within the first, second and third cycle should normally amount to maximum 70 percent of the teacher’s work time per year including the examination. The remaining time of the year work time must be set aside for research/development work/own skills development.
Biträdande lektor (assistant professor):
The employment as assistant professor is of strategic importance both for the university’s long-time competence provision and the assistant professor’s career development. An assistant professor must therefore mainly conduct research, but should also participate in first, second and third cycle education in order to develop their teaching skills. The teaching part of the employment should normally amount to maximum 30 percent of the work time per year.
Assessment criteria for promotion to Associate Professor and Professor in the Faculty of Science
In case of the discrepancy between the Swedish original and the English translation the Swedish version [Befordringskriterier] takes precedence.