Individual study plan
Drawing up and reviewing individual study plans (ISP) for doctoral students
Quick reference guide to the Faculty of Science’s template for individual study plan (ISP)
Template for personal study plan (280 Kb)
The Board of Science has decided that any consequences of the pandemic on PhD students' progression in the research education must be documented in the individual study plan or in an appendix to the study plan. If documented in an appendix, the document ISP attachment regarding the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the PhD education (20 Kb) should preferably be used.
Half-time review
Forms of half-time review at the Faculty of Science
Licentiate thesis
Regulation Licentiate thesis examination (in Swedish)
Degree of doctor
Instructions from the Science Academic Area regarding the structure of PhD theses
Regulations for public defence of doctoral thesis in the disciplinary domain of Science
Extension of the period doctoral students with reference to special reasons
Template: General qualifications, HEO, ON 2014-06-04 (126 Kb)
Responsibilities during research education (27 Kb)
Routines concerning admission of research students with "Other form of funding" (21 Kb)
Notification of non-completion of third-cycle studies (91 Kb)